Verify Your Purchase and Earn the "Itch-io" Role on Discord

By verifying your purchase, you can earn the "Itch-io" role on this server. This role comes with added privileges, including participation in certain exclusive polls and access to some exclusive news updates directly on Discord.

How to Verify

While this process must be completed manually for each individual, it's quick and easy.

  • Send which email you used when purchasing Hardenville on to the Discord user JoyFI Games, who manages announcements and related tasks on the server.
  • Specify whether you purchased the standard version or the + Steam key version so your purchase can be verified. 

If you purchased the version with a Steam key, you’ll receive both the Steam and Itch-io roles on Discord.  Please note that if you leave the Discord server, you’ll need to repeat this process each time you rejoin if you want the role.

This is an optional step for Hardenville owners on, but it will grant you additional privileges in the near future.

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